Why do people wear pants that are way too big and then pull them down so their underwear hangs out? No one wants to see your underwear. If we wanted to see your underwear, we would not have invented pants.
"I wear them like that because it is cool and that is the style." Really? Who thinks it cool? Not anyone over the age of 30. Not anyone under the age of 15. Looking like you are wearing your really big brother's handmedowns is not cool.
"I wear my pants hanging down, because it is sexy." You know who else's pants hang down like that? A baby with a full diaper. Since when is looking like you are carrying a full load and waiting for mommy to come change your diaper sexy?
"I wear baggy pants, because it makes me look tough." Yes, the look of baggy pants did start in prison. You are wearing the handmedowns of the just released prisoner and eventually you will lose weight, because the food in prison is not appetizing. But does that make you look tough? Will you look tough with your pants down around your ankles as you are running from the popo? No, it makes you look like a fool.
"I don't conform to society's demands of attire." If you were the only person in the world doing it, then you would be a nonconformist. But conforming to a "nonconformist's attire" is conformity. If you want to be original, get a pair of pants that fits and wear them at your waist.
If Mr. Droopy Drawers and Mr. Pants that Fit applied for a job. Nine times out of ten Mr. Pants that Fit would get the job.