Parents allowed their children to compete on a reality TV show called Kid Nation. At least 2 children were injured when they drank bleach. Are you kidding me? These kids were between 8 and 10 years old, so we are not dealing with someone who does not know better.
How could one child much less 2 drink bleach thinking that it is water? First of all bleach has an odor. Water does not. That should have been their first clue. After the first child drank the bleach and suffered burns, the second child went ahead and drank it too. If you see someone suffer an adverse response to doing something, common sense would suggest that you do not do the same thing. And there was an adult present as part of the filming. Common sense would say ... PUT THE CAMERA DOWN AND STOP THE KIDS FROM HURTING THEMSELVES.
Where was the common sense of the parents that signed consent forms that released the producer from all liability, including the event of death? A parent with common sense would take their child and run in the opposite direction. Is your child being on television so important you would risk their life? To the parents whose children were burned by drinking the bleach, was it worth it?
Lesson #1: Do not drink bleach or anything that smells "funny".