You can't expect people to take you seriously if you dress like this. Don't complain that men treat you like a sex object. And the other women who complain about how you dress are not jealous. They are mad, because you are setting women back. Many women worked hard to be treated the same as men and to have the same opportunities. Dressing like a slut reminds men that women can be treated like sexual playthings instead of equals.
You also have to wonder what it is about the attention that you desire from dressing like a slut. It is likely from a lack of self-esteem, so you need validation from others about yourself. However, the attention that you get is not the attention you want or deserve.
If you dress like a tramp, then you should be expected to be treated like a tramp. Who is going to respect you for who you are? Displaying your body as if it were for sale, will result in people treating you as if you were for sale really cheap. Is that what you want?