What is the matter with teenaged girls these days? To beat a "friend" senseless and videotape it for YOUtube. They do not care about right and wrong and are completely self-centered. They showed no remorse and were worried about not being able to get to cheerleading practice. What is the proper punishment for these girls? Send them to Iraq. Send them to boot camp in the Marines and then ship them off. They will learn a sense of responsibility to others and a sense of morality.
Their behavior is completely UNACCEPTABLE. And their parents are trying to defend them by saying that the victim provoked it by saying insults on MySpace. How stupid are the parents and they pass that stupidity on to their children. Never, ever is violence an acceptable response to words that one does not like. Hurt feelings is the price we as a society pay for freedom of speech. Another shameful example of the death of common sense. SHAME ON YOU GIRLS AND SHAME ON YOUR PARENTS!